Thursday, February 8, 2018

Councilman Curren Price and the Low-Wage Job Fair

I received a mailer today advertising that Councilman Curren D. Price, Jr. is sponsoring a job fair for the nearly finished soccer stadium being built in SOUTH LA. (I also heard the advertisement being aggressively promoted on the radio.) The available positions are: Security Guard, Food Services, Housekeeping and Guest Experience Representative. ANYONE SEE AN ISSUE WITH THIS! 

First and foremost, this is not about knocking anyone who qualifies or applies for these positions. Times are hard, especially for people of color. People need to work, support their families and do what they need to do to put food on the table. However, why are the only positions available from an organization being built and operated in a community of color, low-waged, blue collar positions? Where are the white collar jobs and why aren't they being made available? 

There are many people of color in this community that have advanced degrees. Some have even graduated from the University of Souther California (USC) right here in the heart of the community. Why aren't they being included in the executive level job opportunities? Why are the higher waged positions being excluded and going to people outside the community? Especially when the stadium is being built IN THE COMMUNITY! 

I'm not asking for a handout. I'm asking for inclusion. Especially when there are thousands of people within this community who possess the necessary qualifications to qualify for executive level positions. 

Councilman Curren Price Jr. needs to do a better job of demanding accessability and accountability in regards to the decision makers of that stadium and how entities are allowed to build on our backs. We're tired of fighting for trickle-down crumbs! If he won't roll up his sleeves and do the right thing, then who will?

Again, this is not about demeaning anyone who needs blue collar jobs, but the fact is; we can MANAGE just as well as we can SERVE!

#CurrenPrice, #Councilman, #JobFair,